Thursday, October 29, 2009

Colour Management!

Well this is fun, more setbacks with the site, colour management issues causing poor display of colours and black and white contrasts meaning back to the drawing board on how i display my images. hmmm. Im using a mac where most of you are probably on PC and also using various different browsers, there are so many combinations to try and cater for!

Just another road block, I'll get through it. Explains a lot about previous issues I have had and even why some of the images i post here are not always very punchy.

Lots of reading is sorting me out, now its just the time in changing the settings of my images or changing the way i show them on the site, or both. Make a decision.

getting there!!!!!!


lets see how this looks...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

progress, and setbacks, managing the two...

Ok Site is inching closer. Have just spent hours narrowing down folios, resizing images, hunting through old work for images i cant find etc. I just need to create flash slideshows and away we go. I am finding it difficult to categorise some of my work. Travel is often represented in photographers folios of work, problem with that is probably 85% of my best work was taken overseas! may need to create new categories later but for now I'm sticking with what I'v got.

Had an interesting day shooting earlier this week. Took out my gear to try and trouble shoot some autofocus issues that have arisen recently. At first I thought I had lost the function on my 70-200, effectively turning it in to a long, heavy, expensive, manual focus lens. not good. Turns out that the problem has worsened and now now of my lenses will autofocus, indicating issues with the camera not the lenses, both a blessing and a curse. Also have error msgs on screen and mirror freeze ups as well, eeep. Removed battery grip, errors went away, but autofocus still bung. Took photos for the rest of the day manually focusing everything, I actually got some great autumn shots so it wasn't all bad.

I attempted to clean contacts on camera and lenses when i returned home, which got 2 of 3 lenses autofocusing , but 70-200 still wont have a bar of it.

New camera. Been wanting to upgrade for a while, now i NEED to upgrade. Was always thinking of 50d but just in the last few weeks Canon have released the 7d, and oh my god is it a beast! a rather expensive beast, but an investment in many years of great photography. Canadas pricing, or more specifically their GST and Provincial Sales Tax (applicable in BC and always added on to the price at the end ???????????? why dont they just include it in the price if you have to pay it?) can jump into the freezing pacific ocean. Might have to see what else is possible.

Still dont understand why colours just arent the same when i post shots on this blog, but anyway, a couple from the other day.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


These are the two road trips i have completed since arriving in Canada, Im gonna discuss a few of the cool things that happened along the way in more detail soon.....

apologies for the crude tracing and arrows of directions, its the best i could do quickly. Red trip was first 3 weeks here, blue trip was from 6 July to 1 Sept. click for a larger view...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


sadly the stunning colour is not well represented when posting the images on here. But thats ok, soon enough you will be able to view decently on my website wooo hooo!

blogging isnt really that hard, what are you afraid of!

yet again i have failed at the blogging. Really gotta change that!

Car washes in vancouver, as in a manual one where you wash the car yourself with the spray gun and the brush. Couldnt find one, and one guy even said with a smile they dont exist!! I know of some way out of town, but in the downtown area, no go!

I stuffed around preparing the "truck" for a guy to come and have a look this morning, but in the end he couldnt make it. It has been a dismal and rainny day, sposed to be like that all week.

Ankle was really bad again last night, well actually its some of the tendons in my foot and even the lower parts of my toes that are giving me grief, and its only when im in bed!!

have been making space in my room for bookshelf, just to help keep me more organised. Starving hungry, chicken salad time i think, then more work on website and some excercise for my ankle.

Autumn colours here are stunningly beautiful, and stand out well over the surrounding grey!